Mehai Technology Ltd

About the Company:

Company was incorporated in 2013 and in 2014, they commenced manufacturing of LED Bulbs and Fixtures.

In 2015 company had commenced manufacturing of Moon Light Bulbs and tube lights. Subsequently, in 2015 they progressed into assembling of Pen drive and Power Bank.

Company’s product range includes LED Bulbs,Night Lamp,Mood Light,Tube light,Power Banks & Pen Drive.

Company is continuously diversifying their product portfolio to keep pace with changing consumer trends and development in technology.

Currently they are selling through a set of dealers / distributors who place their order and after receipt of order they cater to their markets. Company majorly sell through online portals viz Flipkart, eBay, Amazon, Shopclues, PayTM etc.

Currently they are also engaged in Trading / Assembly of USB Pen drives,Company is also in process of manufacturing USB pen drives by themselves. The core design including PCB and components is in almost final stages of finalisation with an anticipation to start in house manufacturing of USB pen drives.

Management Team:

  1. Mr. Sudhir Ostwal (Designation: Managing Director)
  2. Ms. Shalini Jain (Designation: Non-Executive Director)
  3. Mr. Piyush Kanwarlal Kansal (Designation: Non-Executive and Independent)


Objectives of the Issue:

  • Working capital requirements of the Company.
  • General Corporate Purposes.
  • Issue Expenses.
  • Listing Benefits


Fund Utilisation:

Particulars Amount (Rs. in Lakhs)
Working Capital Requirements 468.00
General Corporate Purposes 90.00
Issue Expenses 42.00
Net Proceeds 600.00


Promoters Average Acquisition Cost:

Name of the Promoter No. of Shares held Average Acquisition Cost (in Rs.)
Sudhir Ostwal 23,85,000 15.41
Shalini Jain 7,48,050 16.17


Promoters Stake Pre & Post Issue:

Shareholder Name Pre Issue Stake (%) Post Issue Stake(%)
Sudhir Ostwal 61.87 44.54
Shalini Jain 19.40 13.97
Promoter Group
Sudhir Ostwal and Sons HUF 18.68 13.44
Total 99.95% 71.95%


IPO Details:

Details Info
Issue Opens on 25th September 2017
Issue Closes on:. 28th September 2017
Issue Price Rs.40
Face Value Rs.10
Minimum Lot 3000
Minimum Investment Rs.1,20,000
Issue Constitutes 28.01%
Issue Size Rs.6 cr
Market Cap Rs.21.42 cr
Listing at BSE SME
Equity Shares Offered 15,00,000
Equity Shares Prior 38,55,000
Equity Shares after the issue 53,55,000


IPO Valuation parameters:

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Price To Earnings ratio (PE) Return on Net Worth (RoNW) Net Asset Value (NAV)
1.11 36.03 73.58% 49.02


Markets Guruji Opinion:

IPO View Apply For: Expected listing Gain:
Avoid NA NA